- William W. Hauswirth- “Therapy for Inherited Retinal Disease; Quo Vadis”
- Stephen P. Daiger- “Progress in Finding Genes and Mutations Causing Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa”
- Gerald A. Fishman- “Diagnosis and Management of Cystic macular Lesions in Patients with Inherited Retinal Dystrophies”
- Jacque Duncan- “Adaptive Optics Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy: a new tool to monitor cones during retinal degeneration”
- Andras M. Komaromy- “Achromatopsia- a Model Diesease for Cone-Directed Gene Therapy”
- Arlene V. Drack- “Bardet Biedl Syndrome and Batten Disease: Considerations for Gene Therapy and Other Treatment Modalities”
- Mark Pennesi- “An Update of Gene Therapy Trials at the Casey Eye Institute”
- Shannon E. Boye- “Gene Therapy for Photoreceptor-Mediated Retinal Disease: Leber Congenital Amaurosis-1 (LCA1)”
- Maria B. Grant- “Novel Adult Stem/Progenitor Cell Strategies for Retinal Repair”
- David Gamm- “Potential Applications of Human iPS Cells to the Study and Treatment of Inherited Retinal Diseases”
- Jane Sowden- “Developing Cone and Rod Photoreceptor Cell Transplantation for Retinal Repair”