Veterans Administration
The North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System is a comprehensive and integrated health care delivery system that provides quality clinical programs and services to Veterans. The System includes two hospitals, two large satellite outpatient clinics, and several small community-based outpatient clinics. Primary health care services, as well as highly specialized, technologically advanced surgical services are provided. Ophthalmology, a section within the Surgical Services is one of the most active in the VA system, and is well supported with state-of-the art technology and dedicated personnel. The affiliation with the University of Florida Health Science Center is mutually beneficial and exposes trainees to a model system, and participation in large volumes of surgical experience and patient encounters. The resident rotations occur during every year of training and provide graduated levels of participation and responsibility.
The Veterans Administration Chief of Ophthalmology is Michael Wiggins, M.D.
Center for Vision Research
Vision research at the University of Florida crosses the boundaries of nine departments in the College of Medicine and six colleges at the University of Florida. Because of this diversity, the Center for Vision Research was established in 1996 to help build a cohesive core of vision researchers.