Surgical Retina Specialty Training

Program Leadership

Jinghua Chen

Jinghua Chen MD, PhD

Assistant Professor And Director, Surgical Retina Fellowship
Nazanin Ebrahimiadib

Nazanin Ebrahimiadib MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

This is a AUPO accredited two-year fellowship with one new fellow matching every other year. The fellow will work with our three full-time clinical vitreoretinal faculty members. In addition to medical retinal training during the first year, our curriculum is designed to offer significant surgical exposure starting early in the first year.

A wealth of teaching and primary participation in patient care is provided in our schedule, from the most straightforward management of diabetic macular edema, choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration, or primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment to unusual manifestations of chorioretinopathy, uveitis, ocular oncology, IRD, ROP or complex retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy.

In addition, the fellow has the opportunity to participate in the management of intraocular tumors and retinopathy of prematurity and can also become involved in clinical trials such as Artizan, secondary LOL, AMD and DRCR. The retina faculty perform over 500 retina operations each year, as well as hundreds of intravitreal injections, laser photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy, and other procedures. The fellowship training also includes training in ultrasonography and electroretinography interpretation.

At the end of two years, the fellow should be up-to-date on everything from the common to the most complex retinal cases and able to handle their surgical management.

Fellows are expected to complete at least one research project each year and present at a national meeting (e.g. ARVO, AAO) and the departmental symposium. Research mentorship is provided by the faculty and funding is provided annually for professional development. Fellows are highly encouraged to complete at least two peer-reviewed publications.

The fellow rotates being on retina fellowship call one out of every three weeks. In addition, the fellow will also participate as faculty supervising the residents in the hospital consults and trauma call. This latter experience provides the fellow with additional surgical and teaching experience.

Our residents are highly ranked individuals from medical schools and are a great addition to the retinal service. They are hardworking and able to assist as needed without detracting from the fellow’s surgical experience. We feel our strong residency program is only an added bonus for the fellowship.

This is a AUPO accredited two-year fellowship with one new fellow matching per year. The fellow will work with our two full-time clinical vitreo-retinal faculty members. In the first year, where the main focus will be training in medical retina services and in second year the focus shifts to surgical retina training.

A wealth of teaching and primary participation in patient care is provided from this schedule from the most straightforward management of diabetic macular edema, choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration, or primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment to unusual manifestations of chorioretinopathies, uveitis or complex retinal detachments with proliferative vitreoretinopathy.

In addition, the fellow participates in the management of adult intraocular tumors (in collaboration with the Florida Proton Therapy Institute, Jacksonville, FL), complex pediatric retinal detachments, intraocular telescopes and retinal prosthesis systems. The Retina faculties perform over 500 retina operations each year, as well as hundreds of intravitreal injections, laser photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy and other procedures. The fellowship training also includes formal training in ultrasonography and electroretinography interpretation.

At the end of two years, the fellow should be up-to-date on the most common to the most complex retinal cases and should be at a level of surgical expertise to handle all of them.

Fellows also are expected to complete at least one research project each year and present at a national meeting (e.g. ARVO, AAO) and the departmental symposium.  Research mentorship is provided by the faculty. Fellows are highly encouraged to complete at least two peer review publications.

The fellow rotates being on-call one week every three weeks. In addition, the on-call fellow rotates on the trauma and resident retina call. This latter experience provides the fellow with additional surgical experience to complement surgical experience.  During the trauma and residency program cases, the fellow has an opportunity to work as the primary surgeon with oversight by the Retina Division faculty who take call.

The residents represent highly ranked individuals from medical schools and are great to work with, work hard at learning from the retinal fellow and faculty, and do not detract from the training program experience. Thus, the strong residency program is an added bonus for the fellowship.

Please visit San Francisco Match: for further information and submission of your application.