December 16, 2016
- Lens Decentration and Tilt. Subspecialty topic: Cornea. Presented by Craig W. See, M.D., University of Californa, San Diego.
December 9, 2016
- M&M Conference (UF Faculty and Residents Only)
December 2, 2016
- An Orbital Occam’s Razor. Subspecialty topic: Oculoplastics. Presented by Andres Gonzalez, M.D.
- To See or Not to See: A Perplexing Presentation of Vision Loss. Subspecialty topic: Neuro-ophthalmology. Presented by Philip Ames, M.D.
November 18, 2016
- Unusual Case of Orbital Swelling. Subspecialty topic: Oculoplastics. Presented by Valentiana Lozano, M.D.
- A Case of Severe Eye Pain. Subspecialty topic: Uveitis. Presented by Logan Vander Woude, MS4.
November 4, 2016
- The Case of a Cloudy Cornea. Subspecialty topic: Cornea. Presented by Yasmin Islam, MS4.
- Peculiar Presentation of Optic Disc and Sub-Retinal Edema. Subspecialty topic: Neuro-ophthalmology & Retina. Presented by Kevin Talbot, M.D.
October 21, 2016
- Various Ocular Manifestations of a Systemic Disease in a Series of Three Case Presentations. Subspecialty topic: Uveitis/Glaucoma. Presented by Lauren DuBiner, MS4.
- A Young Woman with Optic Disc Edema. Subspecialty topic: Retina & Neuro-Ophthalmology. Presented by Kyle Jones, MS4.
September 30, 2016
- Visual Electrophysiology and Functional Dissection of the Retina. Presented by guest speaker, Stuart G Coupland, PhD.
September 23, 2016
- Alternating Anisocoria. Subspecialty topic: Pediatric Ophthalmology. Presented by Joanne Christy, MS4.
- Longstanding Bell’s Palsy. Subspecialty topic: Neuro-Ophthalmology. Presented by Gonzalo Ortiz, MS4.
September 16, 2016
- Acute Onset Diplopia and Vomiting. Subspecialty topic: Neuro-ophthalmology. Presented by Matthew T. Floyd, MS4.
- A Case of Secondary Glaucoma. Subspecialty topic: Glaucoma. Presented by Matthew Thompson, MS4.
September 9, 2016
- You See Double. Subspecialty topic: Neuro-ophthalmology. Presented by Xu (Sophie) He, MS4.
- Ophthalmology Case Presentation. Subspecialty topic: Pediatric Ophthalmology. Presented by Amanda Bradley, MS4.
August 26, 2016
- Pieces of a Puzzle…Finding the Missing Pieces. Subspecialty topic: Pediatrics. Presented by Omar Iqbal, MS4.
- Opthalmology Case Presentation. Subspecialty topic: Glaucoma. Presented by Daniel Dansdill, MS4.
August 19, 2016
- Eyelid Tumors. Subspecialty topic: Oculoplastics. Presented by Daniel Daroszewski, MS4.
- Uveitis in a 34 year old. Subspecialty topic: Retina & Comprehensive. Presented by Edwin Gannon, MS4.
August 12, 2016
- Ophthalmology Case Presentations. Presented by Aimee Verner, M.D. and Sarah Bonnafini, MS4.
August 5, 2016
- Ophthalmology Case Presentations. Presented by Ahmaida Zeglam, M.D. and Kathleen Regan, M.D.
July 29, 2016
- Ophthalmology Case Presentations. Presented by Jason Alvarez, MS4 and Steven Freeland, MS4.
July 22, 2016
- A Tale of the Posterior Pole. Subspecialty Topic: Uveitis/Retina. Presented by Jade Gieseke Guevara, M.D.
- Ophthalmology Case Presentations. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Riley Stroman, MS4
July 15, 2016
- Abnormal Pupil. Subspecialty: General Ophthalmology. Presented by Aimee Verner, M.D.
- Clinical Applications in Laser Treatment: Practical Use and Pitfalls. Subspecialty: Retina/General. Presented by Ryan Smith, M.D.
June 17, 2016
- Cataract Surgery results utilizing the Light Adjustable Lens and Segmented Bifocal IOL. Presented by, guest speaker, T. Hunter Newsom, M.D.
May 20, 2016
- Painful Eye. Subspecialty: General. Presented by Kathleen Regan, M.D.
- Spectrum of Orbital Inflammatory Disease. Subspecialty: Neuro-ophthalmology. Presented by Aimee Verner, M.D.
May 13, 2016
- Unilateral Blurry Vision and Headache. Subspecialty: Retina, Neuro-ophthalmology and Uveitis. Presented by Aaron Webel, M.D.
- The Recurrent Hypopyon. Subspecialty: Retina and Vitreous. Presented by Jade Gieseke, M.D.
April 22, 2016
- Visual Loss With Headaches. Subspecialty: Neuro-Ophthalmology. Presented by Fouad El Sayyad, M.D.
- Eye Pain and Ptosis in a Middle-Aged Man. Subspecialty: Oculoplastics. Presented by Alexander Blandford, M.D
April 15, 2016
- Folliculopapillary Reactions: A Case Subspecialty: Cornea & External Disease. Presented by Kevin Talbot, M.D.
- More than What Meets the Eye. Subspecialty: Pediatric Ophthalmology. Presented by Sasha Strul, M.D.
February 19, 2016
- A Curious Case of Elevated IOP. Presented by Sasha Strul, M.D.
- The Pimple on My Eyelid Has Gotten Bigger. Presented by Ahmaida T. Zeglam, M.D.
February 12, 2016
- Morbidity Conference – Faculty and Residents Only
February 5, 2016
- Second Opinion for Severe Bilateral Vision Loss in a Young Adult. Presented by Aaron D. Webel, M.D.
- A Comprehensive, Interactive Review of Challenging Cases. Presented by Sarina M. Amin, M.D.
January 29, 2016
- Bilateral Eye Pain in ED. Presented by Ryan Smith, M.D.
- Unusual Case of Leukocoria. Presented by Fouad El Sayyad, M.D.
January 22, 2016
- A Mysterious Case of Decreased Vision and Seeing Spots. Presented by Alexander D. Blandford, M.D.
- Sudden Painless Loss of Vision. Presented by Aaron D. Webel, M.D.
January 8, 2016
- Consult in the NICU. Presented by Aimee Verner, M.D.
- Multiple Ocular Motor Nerve Palsies in a Healthy Middle-age Man. Presented by Ahmadia Zeglam, M.D.