December 27, 2019
- No Grand Rounds
December 20, 2019
- M&M (closed meeting). No Grand Rounds.
December 13, 2019
- Title: Post-operative Refractive Surprise. Subspecialty Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by: Jason Ludlow, MD, Ophthalmology Resident (PGY4)
- Title: Intraoperative OCT: Anterior and Posterior Segment Implications. Subspecialty Topic: Retina & Anterior Segment. Presented by: Gavin Reed, MD, Ophthalmology Resident (PGY4)
December 6, 2019
- Title: Coning in on the Diagnosis. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by: Yasmin Islam, MD, Ophthalmology Resident (PGY3)
- Title: “I” is for IschemEYE. Subspecialty Topic: Vitreoretina. Presented by: Samaneh Davoudi, MD, Ophthalmology Resident (PGY3)
November 22, 2019
- Title: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by: Warren Riley Stroman, MD, Ophthalmology Resident (PGY3)
- Title: Now You See It and Now You Do Not. Subspecialty Topic: Neuro-Ophthalmology/Strabismus. Presented by: Logan Maja Kostic, MD, PhD, Neuro- Ophthalmology Fellow, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
November 15, 2019
- Title: Okay to MICS Things Up? A Review of Microincision Cataract Surgery. Subspecialty Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by: Jon David Hammer, MD, Ophthalmology Resident (PGY3)
- Title: Too Much Tension. Subspecialty Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by: Logan Vander Woude, MD, Ophthalmology Resident (PGY3)
November 8, 2019
- Title: New Library Resources and Services for Clinicians and Researchers. Presented by: Michele Tennant, Ph.D., MLIS, UF Health Science Center Libraries
- Title: New Library Resources and Services for Clinicians and Researchers. Presented by: Ariel Pomputius, MLIS, UF Health Science Center Libraries
- Title: Macular Edema in a Glaucoma Patient. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by: Teresa Fowler, MS4, Mercer University School of Medicine
- Title: None of the Above. Subspecialty Topic: Pediatric Ophthalmology/Neuro-Ophthalmology. Presented by: Andrew Bowman, MD, Ophthalmology Resident (PGY2)
November 1, 2019
- Title: Not another Corneal Ulcer. Subspecialty Topic: Cornea. Presented by: Sarah Madison Duff, MD
- Title: Ocular Manifestations of Marfan Syndrome. Subspecialty Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by: Mark Paauw, Michigan State Medical Student, MS4
- Title: Trifocal Lenses. Subspecialty Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by: Lorick Andersen, MD. Ophthalmology Co-Chief Resident
October 25, 2019
- Title: Treatment Options in Traumatic Globe Rupture Subspecialty Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by: Erin Barletta, Wayne State University School of Medicine, MS4
- Title: Is Dry AMD Caused by disruption in their shared metabolism between photoreceptors and RPE and can We do anything about it? Subspeciality Topic: Research in Retinal Degeneration. Presented by: John Ash, Francis M Bullard Eminent Scholar Chair in Ophthalmic Sciences
October 18, 2019
- M&M Closed Meeting Ophthalmology Clinical Faculty & Residents UF and VA (No Grand Rounds)
October 11, 2019
- AAO Meeting (No Grand Rounds)
October 4, 2019
- Title: Postoperative Inflammation in a patient with Crohn’s: Chronic Uveitis or Smouldering Endophthalmitis? Subspeciality Topic: Retinal/Uveitis. Presented by: Nadine Hamed, MS4
- Title: Differentials of a small Choroidal Lesion. Subspeciality Topic: Retina. Presented by: Anthony Tang, MS4.
- Title: It’s not a Pseudotumor. Subspeciality Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by: Kyle Fallgatter, MD, PGY2 Ophthalmology Resident.
September 27, 2019
- Title: The Preemie Predicament and Trusting Trainees. Subspecialty Topic: Glaucoma. Presented by: Adam Rothman, MD, Clinical Fellow, Glaucoma, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Health Care Center
- Title: Amputate a Leg to Save an Eye. Subspeciality Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by: Jessica Yang, MD, Ophthalmology Resident (PGY2), University of Florida
September 20, 2019
- Title: Novel Technologies in Cataract Surgery. Subspeciality Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by: Aaron Knoll, MD.
- Title: A Presentable Cause of Blindness. Subspeciality Topic: Retina. Presented by Jason Day, MS4 (MD Candidate class of 2020)
- Title: Skin Cancer Prevention, Detection and Treatment. Subspeciality Topic: Cutaneous Oncology. Presented by: Sailesh Konda, MD, FAAD, FACMS, Department of Dermatology
September 6, 2019
- Title: When Pain is Boring. Subspeciality Topic: Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation. Presented by: Matthew Wilde, MD.
- Title: Mayhem in the Macula: An Evidence Based Treatment Protocol. Subspeciality Topic: Retina. Present by: Roya Garakani (4th year medical student).
- Title: Diabetes: An update for Ophthalmologists. Subspecialty Topic: Endocrinology. Presented by Ashok Shrihari, MD.
August 30, 2019
- Topic: A Path from Cornea to Retina. Subspecialty Topic: Cornea and Retina. Presented by Samenah Davoudi, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Characterizing Inflammatory Pathways In the Retina Using a Mouse Model of Autoimmune Uveoretinitis. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Cristhian J. Ildefonso, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, UF Department of Ophthalmology.
August 23, 2019
- Topic: The Pressure of Youth. Subspecialty Topic: Glaucoma. Presented by Yasmin Islam, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Perplexing Pupil. Subspecialty Topic: Cornea and Glaucoma. Presented by Matthew T. Hirabayashi, MS4, University of Missouri Columbia School of Medicine. Presently on rotation at UF.
- Topic: It’s in the Bag. Subspecialty Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by Michael T. Massengill, MS4, University of Florida College of Medicine.
August 9, 2019
- Topic: Why So Serous. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Jon David Hamer, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Descemetorhexis Without Graft Placement For The Treatment of Fuchs Endothelial Dystrophy. Subspecialty Topic: Cornea. Presented by Jason Ludlow, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-4), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
August 2, 2019
- Topic: The Lights are Dimming. Subspecialty Topic: Glaucoma. Presented by Logan Vander Woude, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Acute Retinal Necrosis from Herpes Zoster. Subspecialty Topic: Vitreoretinal. Presented by Mary Kate Wilson, M.S., 4th Year Medical Student, University of Florida College of Medicine.
July 26, 2019
- Topic: Understanding the Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Vision. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Ekaterina Lobanova, PhD, Assistant Professor, UF Department of Ophthalmology and Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
- Topic: Diagnosis and Management of Cancer-Associated Retinopathy. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Deena Shaath, MS4, University of Kansas School of Medicine.
- Topic: Lattice Degeneration in the Fellow Eye After Retinal Detachment. Subspecialty Topic: Vitreoretinal. Presented by Garrett Oberst, MS4, University of Kentucky College of Medicine.
July 19, 2019
- Topic: Secondary Intraocular Lenses: An Overview. Subspecialty Topic: Vitreoretinal/Refractive. Presented by Jason Miles, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Strabismus: Look at Perplexity. Subspecialty Topic: Pediatric Ophthalmology. Presented by Richard Yi, MS, 4th year Medical Student, Medical College of Georgia.
June 14, 2019
- Topic: Scarred for Life. Subspecialty Topic: Peds. Presented by Gavin Reed, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Annual Recap – UF & VA Ophthalmology Faculty and UF Residents Only
June 7, 2019
- Guest Speaker: Darby D. Miller, M.D., M.P.H.; Advocacy. Open to UF & VA Ophthalmology Faculty and UF Residents Only.
May 31, 2019
- Topic: A Therapeutic Mechanism to Increase Glycolysis in Photoreceptors as a Possible Treatment for Retinal Degeneration. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by W. Clay Smith, PhD, Director of Ocular Gene Therapy Core, UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Eye Don’t Know. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Jon David Hammer, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
May 24, 2019
- Guest Speaker: Steve Charles, M.D., Founder & CEO, Charles Retina Institute, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Tennessee.
- Presiding: Philip Ames, M.D., (PGY-4)
May 17, 2019
- Topic: An Unexpected Mass. Subspecialty Topic: Oculoplastics. Presented by Yasmin Islam, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Didn’t See That Coming. Subspecialty Topic: Retinal. Presented by Logan Vander Woude, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
May 10, 2019
- M&M Meeting (UF & VA Ophthalmology Faculty and UF Ophthalmology Residents Only)
May 3, 2019
- ASCRS – No Grand Rounds
April 26, 2019
- Topic: Subcutaneous Administration of Endotoxin Transiently Improves the Retina of a Geographic Atrophy Mouse Model. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Cristhian J. Ildefonso, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Sudden Subretinal Hemorrhage. Subspecialty Topic: Retinal/Vitreous. Presented by Jason Ludlow, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
April 19, 2019
- Topic: Persistent Epithelial Defects in Neurotrophic Keratis. Presented by Lauren Jeang, M.D., Fellow, Cornea, External Disease and Anterior Segment of Tufts University/New England Center and Ophtalmic Consultants of Boston.
April 12, 2019
- Topic: Undulating Vision and Temperature. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Samaneh Davoudi, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: How Eyeronic. Subspecialty Topic: Neuro-Ophthalmology. Presented by Logan Vander Woude, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
April 5, 2019
- M&M (UF & VA Ophthalmology Faculty and UF Ophthalmology Residents Only)
March 29, 2019
- Topic: The Artificial Vision. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Gibran Syed Khurshid, M.D., Vitreoretinal Specialist and Surgeon, UF Department of Ophthalmology.
March 22, 2019
- OKAP Testing. No Grand Rounds.
March 15, 2019
- OKAP Review. No Grand Rounds
March 8, 2019
- Topic: Micro Mystery. Subspecialty Topic: Pediatric Ophthalmology. Presented by Aaron Noll, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Mucus in My Eye. Subspecialty Topic: Orbital Pathology. Presented by Warren Riley Stroman, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
March 1, 2019
- Topic: HIV and I Can’t See. Presented by Jon David Hammer, M.D., Opthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
February 22, 2019
- Topic: New Techniques in Intraoperative Imaging and Surgical Visualization. Subspecialty Topic: Retina & Anterior Segment Surgery. Presented by Collin Ohning, M.D., Ophthalmology Co-Chief Resident (PGY-4). UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- AAV Dual Vector Treatment for ABCA4-Stargardt’s Disease. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Frank Dyka, M.D., Assistant Scientist, UF Department of Ophthalmology.
February 15, 2019
- Topic: Cranial Nerve Three Review. Presented by Lorick Andersen, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
February 8, 2019
- Topic: Unique Case of Uveitis. Subspecialty Topic: Neuro-Ophthalmology. Presented by Warren Riley Stroman, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Dropping IOP. Subspecialty Topic: Glaucoma. Presented by Valentina Lozano, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-4), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
February 1, 2019
- Topic: I Don’t Know How Long This Contact Has Been In My Eye. Subspecialty Topic: Cornea. Presented by Yasmin Islam, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Unique Case of Uveitis. Subspecialty Topic: Neuro-Opthalmology. Presented by Warren Riley Stroman, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
January 25, 2019
- Topic: Drop It Like It’s Hot. Subspecialty Topic: Lens and Cataract. Presented by Gavin Reed, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Anesthesia for the Ophthalmologist. Subspecialty Topic: Comprehensive. Presented by Jason Miles, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
January 18, 2019
- Topic: Not Your Average Retinal Hemorrhage. Subspecialty Topic: Anterior Segment. Presented by Jason Ludlow, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-3), UF Department of Opthalmology.
- Topic: Trends in Glaucoma Monitoring. Subspecialty Topic: Glaucoma. Presented by Kaihan Fakhar, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-4), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
January 11, 2019
- Topic: Distinct Molecular Mechanisms in Late-Onset Retinal Degeneration. Subspecialty Topic: Retina. Presented by Astra Dinculescu, PhD, UF Department of Ophthalmology.
- Topic: Presumed Air Venous Embolus Syndrome. Subspecialty Topic: Vitreoretinal Surgery. Presented by Philip Ames, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident (PGY-4), UF Department of Ophthalmology.
January 4, 2019
- Topic: M&M. UF & VA Ophthalmology faculty and UF
- Topic: HIV and I Can’t See. Presented by Jon David Hammer, M.D., Opthalmology Resident (PGY-2), UF Department of Ophthalmology.