Sonal Tuli, MD, Chair
Jonathan Hu, MD, Program Director
SF Match applications are due in the Summer/Fall two years prior to the desired July 1 ophthalmology program start date
We appreciate your interest in learning about residency at the University of Florida, College of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology.
The Department selects 5 residents each year largely on the basis of medical school standing & grades, the quality of your 3 letters of recommendation, and various relevant professional and personal attributes. We’re looking for residents who epitomize generosity, integrity and community. A demonstrated previous interest in the field of ophthalmology (i.e. research, volunteer work, etc.) is helpful, but not necessary. Participation in the San Francisco Ophthalmology Matching Program (SF Match), requires applicants to register with their Central Application Service (CAS). Please refer to the SF Match website for details and registration requirements. The deadline to apply for our program is typically by mid-October. Late applications cannot be considered.
We grant interviews to approximately 55 applicants. Interviews are held on three selected dates within the November/December time-frame. The interview is an important part of our residency selection process and is a requirement for acceptance into our program.
Our program has a required joint internship with the University of Florida’s Internal Medicine Program (IM) that is an automatic match via NRMP. A separate IM application must be submitted via ERAS in addition to your SF Match ophthalmology application. The ERAS application can be submitted after the ophthalmology match results are released – as long as done by early February. This gives you the option of waiting to apply to the joint program until you know where you are going for ophthalmology residency. Visit the UF GME for further details about our institution’s residency policies and procedures. We look forward to receiving your application and wish you the best of luck. Please contact me, should you need further information.
For more information, please contact:
Christie Little, CPC
Program Coordinator
Department of Ophthalmology
University of Florida
Box 100284
Gainesville, FL 32610-0284
Phone (352) 273-8778
Fax (352) 273-7402Email:
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